Invited Speaker_ICIET 2025










Prof. Wernhuar Tarng, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan

Professor Wernhuar Tarng received his MS and PhD degrees in electrical and computer engineering from the State University of New York at Buffalo in 1987 and 1992, respectively. He is currently a professor in the Graduate Institute of Learning Sciences and Technologies at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, where he has made significant contributions to both research and teaching. His research focuses on the integration of virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence in educational applications, particularly for teaching complex subjects such as nanotechnology, robotics, and semiconductor manufacturing processes.

Speech Title: Analysis of Learning Effectiveness, Learning Motivation and Cogitative Load from the Application of Virtual Robots in Elementary School Spatial Concepts and Triangle Units

Abstract: This study explores various teaching methods for instructing elementary school students in spatial concepts, specifically focusing on spatial rotation, the coordinate plane, and the triangle unit, which encompasses learning outcomes related to triangles and angles. The study compares the effectiveness of an interactive virtual robotic arm learning system with traditional teaching approaches. Key aspects examined include students' learning outcomes, motivation, and cognitive load. Additionally, the study investigates students' perceptions of the interactive virtual robotic arm system. A quasiexperimental pretest-posttest design was employed, involving fourth-grade students from two classes at an elementary school in Hsinchu City. The experimental group, consisting of 30 students, received instruction using the interactive virtual robotic arm system, while the control group, also comprising 30 students, was taught using traditional methods. Both groups participated in two 80-minute instructional sessions. Pre- and post-tests were administered to assess spatial concepts and triangle unit achievement for both groups. After the experiment, students' learning motivation and cognitive load were evaluated. Furthermore, the experimental group completed a system satisfaction survey to assess their perceptions of the virtual robotic arm system.













Prof. Jon-Chao Hong, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan

Jon-Chao Hong is currently working as a research professor at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU). He organizes several creative technology contests to develop participants’ hands-on skill and iSTEAM knowledge, such as PowerTech Contest to invite elementary, junior and senior high school students to produce miniatures models in the morning and using these to compete in the afternoon to ensure students’ hands-on creation without parents or teachers’ assistance. As the International Chairman of International Exhibition for Young Inventors (IEYI), he also promotes the innovation contest to cultivated students’ inquiry and thinking attitude and ability of STEAM. He has organized 2025 International competition in Aug. 2024 which included teams from more than 20 countries with around 600 students in Taipei. Additionally, he organizes GoSTEAM to invite high school students to use 3D printers and razor wood cutting machines to design intellectual manufacturing. As the director of Digital Game-based Learning Laboratory (GBL), he has developed more than 20 Apps for learning domain knowledge as well as thinking skill, such as “Collaborative game for developing imagination and thinking skills in science learning. Additionally, his team has also developed VR in skill development, such as insect raising, butterfly catching, spatial ability development and so on. In addition, he has published a number of academic articles in international journals. In recent three years, he has more than 60 articles published on SSCI journals. He has received the Outstanding Research Prize from Ministry of Science and Technology in Taiwan. In 2022, 2023 and 2024, he was also ranked as the top 2% scientists rated by Stanford University, and in 2024 he was also ranked in the top 0.5% of all scholars worldwide in Education by ScholarGPS. He is also the editor-in-chief of International Journal of Information and Education Technology (IJIET).

Speech Title: Integrating STEAM into Computation Thinking: Comparing participants’ self-efficacy, altruistic behavior, flow experience and cognitive load of calculation by gender

Abstract: Comput-Up was designed as a collaborative online board game for team members to move their flags on the board by applying their mathematical strategies and STEAM knowledge related to historical-cultural resorts in New Taipei City. To understand the difference in learners’ cognitive and affective processes during game play, the study examined four aspects - "mathematical self-efficacy," "altruistic behavior," "flow experience," and "cognitive load"- across both genders. The study involved statistical analysis of 150 questionnaires completed by sixth-grade students who participated in a 40-minute session of Comput-Up. The results revealed that male students outperformed female students across all four variables, with the exception of cognitive load related to calculation during gameplay.











Prof. Lilian Li, Zayed University, UAE

Lilian currently serves as the Director of the Library and Learning Commons at Zayed University in the UAE, holding the rank of Professor in Practice. With over 20 years of experience in academic library leadership both in Canada and the Middle East, she combines her background in information systems, educational leadership, and educational technology to effectively navigate the digital transformation in higher education. Lilian is particularly skilled in areas such as digital and smart libraries, technology integration in curriculum development, and international higher education leadership.

Speech Title: Digital Divide in Higher Education

Abstract: The digital divide refers to the disparities in access to, use of, and outcomes from Information and Communications Technology (ICT) and has become a significant concern in higher education. Following the COVID-19 pandemic, there is increasing anxiety regarding the effects of rapid digitalization on inequalities in the learning process, particularly concerning the digital divide. The transition to online and remote learning has intensified these concerns. Despite the common belief that today's students, often labelled as 'digital natives,' have grown up fully engaged with digital technologies, the digital divide remains a substantial issue in higher education. This ongoing divide can be attributed to several factors, including misalignments in education policies, inadequate institutional infrastructure, varying levels of access to devices and internet connectivity, differences in digital literacy, and socioeconomic disparities. The invited speech will examine the existing research on the factors contributing to the digital divide, its implications for educational outcomes, and strategies for bridging this gap within the context of higher education. Additionally, the speech will discuss the emerging forms and levels of the divide to inform future research directions and policymaking.































Dr Mariam Mohamad, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia

Dr Mariam Mohamad is a Senior Lecturer at Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang Malaysia. Her research interest is in the field of mobile learning and mobile assistive technology. Dr Mariam was acknowledged as one of the pioneers from Malaysia in mobile learning research, in the book entitled Mobile Learning in Higher Education in the Asia-Pacific Region published by Springer. Her work also referred by UNESCO in the publication entitled; Turning on Mobile Learning: Illustrative Initiatives and Policy Implications. Dr. Mariam has extensive experience in disseminating her work internationally. She actively involves presenting her work in international conferences with ISI Web of Science and SCOPUS indexed status. She has shown her capability in her area as invited speakers. She was invited by UNESCO to present her work in Mobile Learning Week 2014 at UNESCO headquarters in Paris. She was also invited by 2nd International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2018) to give her speech in Okinawa, Japan and 5th International Mobile Learning Festival (IMLF2018) in Singapore. In 2019, she was invited by 5th International Conference in Education (ICEDU2019) in Kuala Lumpur as a plenary speaker and forum panelist. She also attended 3rd International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology (ICEMT 2019), in Nagoya, Japan as a plenary speaker. In 2020 she was invited as a keynote speaker for the 5th International Multidisciplinary Research Conference (IMRC 2020), in Philipines followed by another invitation as a keynote speaker in the 1 st International Conference on Education Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, in Philippines. In 2021, she contribute as the Keynote Speaker in TEL 2021 (International Conference on Education 2021), Plenary Speaker in ICSE 2021 (4th International Conference on Special Education) and also as Invited Speaker for ICEEL 2021 (International Conference on Education and E-learning). Recent contribution was as invited speaker in ICEPS 2023, ICLLL 2023, AETS 2024, ICETM2024 and ICLLL 2024. As one of the renowned researchers in mobile learning in Malaysia, she was elected as an exco member for Mobile Learning Association Malaysia. For her success in the field, in 2021, she was awarded with international grants which include Sumitomo Foundation and Japan Foundation to support her research in mobile assistive technology. She also won various prestigious innovation competition since 2016. One of her studies which is “Using tactile letters as an assistive technology in teaching alphabet for Dyslexic children”, has received the gold medal in an innovation competition known as iCompEx 2016. Her most recent project is exploring the use of mobile health application for the visual impaired individual known as Sejahtera Lestari obtained gold medal and bronze model in two prestigious innovation competition, IUCEL2018 and IIDEA2018. Latest achievements include; (i)Bronze medal award from Teaching and Learning Competition (K-Novasi) 2019 entitled “Mobile e-book for mathematics undergraduate students”, (ii)Gold medal award from Virtual Innovation Competition 2020 entitled “Historical Courses Learning Model Embedded with Virtual Reality As Remote Learning Tool Of Game Based Mode”, (iii)Bronze medal award from International Invention, Innovation and Design Competition 2020 entitled “AULSTRA guide to writing on the go”, (iv)Silver medal award from International Innovation Arsvot Malaysia (IAM 2021) entitled “ Learning module for history subject via mobile based learning” and (v)Bronze medal award from International Innovation Arsvot Malaysia (IAM 2021) entitled “Education in need and demand victory app: An innovation framework utilizing virtual reality to improve visual learning ability and students performance gain in history lessons contents”. For the community, she also devoted her time as the President for Dyslexia Association, Penang State and the Advisor for Special Need Students Association, University Sains Malaysia. She is also a committee member for Research & Development Unit, Malaysian Association for The Blind.

Speech Title: A Bibliometric Review of Mobile Assistive Technology Research for Dyslexic Children: Mapping the Landscape of a Decade

Abstract: Dyslexia, a prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder affecting reading and writing skills, poses significant challenges to educational attainment. In recent years, mobile assistive technologies have emerged as promising tools to support dyslexic children in their journey. Despite the increasing focus on mobile assistive technology for dyslexic children, a comprehensive overview of the research landscape is lacking. The field is characterized by a proliferation of studies, diverse methodologies, and an expanding knowledge base. This bibliometric review leverages advanced analytical tools, with a primary focus on the VOS viewer software, to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the literature spanning from 2014 to 2024. A carefully curated dataset, comprising research articles sourced from reputable databases, forms the basis of the analysis. Anticipated outcomes include visually rich maps depicting the citation networks and keyword co-occurrence patterns within the realm of mobile assistive technology for dyslexic children. We expect to identify key articles shaping the field, prominent clusters of research, and evolving trends. This bibliometric review aspires to contribute a panoramic view of the last decade's research landscape in mobile assistive technology for dyslexic children. The anticipated insights hold the potential to guide future research directions, technological innovations, and educational interventions, ultimately enhancing the support available to dyslexic children through mobile assistive technologies.